Health Science Degrees in Delaware

Graduates with Health Science degrees in Delaware have never been more in demand. According to America’s Health Rankings, Delaware ranks 31 out of 50 states when considering the prevalence of obesity, smoking, diabetes and physical inactivity among its citizens. Other indicators from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality report Delaware has a combined average quality of healthcare when considering types of medical care, settings and prevalence of diseases. Further, the report correlates an aging population and a low concentration of medical specialists as factors that affect the state’s overall health care performance. Those professionals with Health Science degrees will be important links to provide Delaware’s citizens with improved health care services while increasing the future quality of the state’s health care system. 

Delaware Technical Community College

Associate Degree Programs, Allied Health Careers

Since 1966, Delaware Tech has been committed to providing quality education to Delawareans. It offers the latest advancements in career and technology education programs, especially for jobs in the Health Science field. Associate Degree programs are designed for those individuals seeking to begin careers at entry-level positions within specific industries, change current career paths or advance within the workplace. Delaware Technical Community College is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).

Health Information Management – Associate Degree Program (A.A.S.)

One of its most popular Health Science programs at Delaware Tech is the Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Information Management (HIM). A Health Information Manager has a great responsibility to not only handle vast quantities of patient information but to safeguard it, as well. HIMs become the vital link between patients and their physicians and have a number of important responsibilities including: Maintaining computer information systems and software; coding personal and medical data; aggregating specific information for billing and reports; following standards and regulations governing the confidentiality of patient information; and exhibiting ethical, compassionate behaviors within the workplace.

The HIM degree requires 74 credit hours of foundational classes in biological sciences, psychology, pharmacology, medical terminology, coding, legal issues, ethics and statistics. Students must also complete a supervised practicum. Degree holders can then expect to find jobs in a variety of settings, including: Rehabilitation and ambulatory care facilities, drug and alcohol centers, pubic health departments, pharmaceutical companies, medical health clinics, private physicians’ offices and insurance agencies.

Exercise Science – Associate Degree (A.A.S.) Program

This area of study earns graduates an Associate of Applied Science degree in Exercise Science. As fitness experts, degree holders in this health concentration will conduct fitness assessments, evaluate the results, then design customized exercise programs to improve the client’s overall fitness condition. Graduates are prepared to take certification exams offered through the American Council on Exercise (ACE),the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

The Exercise Science curriculum spans 67 credit hours learning core concepts in: Anatomy and physiology; exercise science foundations; kinesiology; statistics; conditioning and strength training; wellness and health; first aid, safety and CPR; nutrition; fitness for special populations; advanced exercise testing; and a clinical practicum. Job opportunities are available as certified personal trainers, health and wellness experts, lifestyle coaches and EKG technicians. In addition, this Associate’s degree is a foundation for continuing on for Bachelor’s degrees in many other health professions.


Delaware Technical Community College
Wilmington Campus
333 N. Shipley Street
Wilmington, Delaware, 19801

Health Information Management Program:
Nadinia Davis
Program Coordinator

Exercise Science Program:
Carol Malkin
Exercise Science Program Coordinator

Delaware County Community College

Health Studies Programs

Delaware County Community College offers top notch education and diverse opportunities for students. Graduates can customize their educational experience within a flexible, economic framework while earning degrees that promote them within their current jobs or expand their current employment possibilities. Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACS), Delaware County Community College is highly regarded for its Health Science programs.

Health Studies – Pre-Nursing Option, A.A.S.

The Pre-Nursing Option in Health Studies is a career preparatory program, earning the graduate an Applied Associate of Science degree. Students with this degree can pursue advanced employment opportunities within the health care field, such as: Allied health instructors; medical administrative assistants; patient service representatives; medical supply managers; or billing supervisors. The program requires completion of 29 credits over two semesters. Coursework covers concepts from: Biological sciences, human development, psychology, sociology, and composition. Students then choose to complete an additional 41 credits towards an A.A.S. in Nursing or 34 additional credits to earn an A.A.S. in Health Studies.


Delaware County Community College
Marple Campus
901 South Media Line Road – Room 3179
Media, PA 19063
General email:

Mary Gelbach MSN, RN
Associate Professor – Allied Health, Emergency Services and Nursing
Health Studies, Pre-Nursing Option Program:

Delaware State University

College of Education, Health & Public Policy – Department of Public & Allied Health Sciences

Delaware State University has a long history promoting excellence in education for its students. Established in 1891 as the state’s first institution of higher learning for Black citizens, DSU has grown into a diverse educational setting providing many degree opportunities. Some of its strongest programs are in the Department of Public and Allied Health Sciences, where students can earn a variety of Health Science degrees promoting public health welfare. DSU is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).

Bachelor – Movement Science Program

The Bachelor’s in Movement Science degree prepares graduates for working with people in diverse settings to improve their range of motion, balance, coordination and physical fitness skills. Two concentrations are available:

  • Fitness Strength with Certification Curriculum: 120 credits.
  • Pre-Health Professional Curriculum: 125 credits.

Coursework for the first two years covers much of the same material for each concentration. It lays foundations in math, anatomy, biology, bio-mechanics, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology and fitness practices. Classes are specialized for each concentration area in the junior and senior years. Fitness and Strength majors will find careers in many settings as: Personal trainers, exercise instructors, strength and conditioning specialists, physical therapy assistants, lab technicians or clinical researchers. Pre-Health Professional majors will find careers as: Strength and conditioning coaches, kinesiologists or movement analysts.


Delaware State University
Department of Public & Allied Health Sciences
Price Building, Room 103
1200 North DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901

Dr. Bradley Skelcher, Ph.D.
Acting Chair, Associate Provost
(302)857-6750 Ext. 6703
Movement Science Program:

University of Delaware

College of Health Sciences

The University of Delaware boasts one of the oldest pedigrees of higher learning institutes in the country. Dating back to the 1700’s, UD has prided itself on providing quality education for the diverse needs of its community. Within this construct, UD has developed a variety of programs within the College of Health Sciences that fosters research, development and application of cutting edge health practices for tomorrow’s public health professionals. Accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) was reaffirmed for 2011-2016.

Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Health Studies (University of Delaware)and Occupational Therapy (Thomas Jefferson University)

This collaborative program earns both a Bachelor of Science (BS) and Masters of Science (MS) in Health Studies and Occupational Therapy. Students enter the program and complete three years of coursework towards their Bachelor’s in Health Studies. After this, students with a cumulative 3.0 grade point average are eligible to transfer and complete classes at Thomas Jefferson University towards an entry level Master’s in Occupational Therapy. The first year of Master’s work at TJU counts as the last year of the Bachelor’s degree. This articulated curriculum provides for a broader range of career opportunities for the degree holder. Settings where those with a BS and/or MS are likely to work include: Hospitals, rehabilitation centers, senior care facilities, educational institutions, sports training and research settings.

Interdisciplinary PhD in Medical Sciences

This Doctorate program offers advanced training for those interested in research-based careers. Continuing studies are focused on obesity, immunology, diabetes mellitus, infectious disease, oncology and other chronic health conditions that affect many in our communities. Program candidates will complete 47 credit hours including 9 credits of dissertation over a four year period. Coursework involves research oriented projects, immunology at the cellular and molecular levels, bio-statistics and data analysis. current theory seminars and approved electives each semester. Graduates with this PhD in Medical Sciences will go on to work in medical and public health institutions, research facilities, government agencies and institutions of higher learning.


University of Delaware
College of Health Sciences
345 McDowell Hall
Newark, Delaware 19716

Debbie Allen
Academic Program Manager
Health Studies (BS)/Occupational Therapy (MS) Program:
Interdisciplinary PhD. in Medical Sciences Program:

Wilmington University

College of Health Professions

Wilmington University was chartered in 1963 to provide economical, flexible educational opportunities to post-secondary students. Classes are offered in a variety of modular formats to meet the needs of traditional students as well as those juggling work and family demands. The University places a strong emphasis on programs in health related professions. It holds accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and is well regarded throughout Delaware for the success of its programs. Though located in Delaware, Wilmington University has a number of satellite locations to serve locations in New Jersey and Maryland as well.

Allied Health – Bachelor of Science

The Allied Health Bachelor of Science is a degree completion program for those already possessing an Associate’s degree in the field of Allied Health professions. It is an avenue for further advancement from entry to middle level positions in many health careers and for those interested in enrolling in graduate degree programs. Program candidates can transfer up to 75 credits from their Associate degree curricula towards the 120 credit hours required to complete the program. The remaining credits come from upper division general studies and core classes in the areas of: Academic writing; humanities; human resource management; supervisory and leadership skills; medical law and ethics; organizational behavior, business management; cultural diversity in health and illness; management information systems; and approved electives. With the transfer of credits, the majority of students finish required coursework towards an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree within two additional years of study. Classes are offered on-campus during day and evening hours, through online distance learning programs or a hybrid of both.


Wilmington University
320 N. DuPont Hwy
New Castle, DE 19720
(877) 967-5464 (toll free)
General email:

Felicia J. Haskins
Assistant Professor/Chair
College of Health Professions
(856) 691-8600
Allied Health Bachelor of Science Program:

Delaware is a state on the move for improving the health of its citizens. Its government officials and medical health professionals are not content with being marked average in health care performance. In addition, employment in health care industries is anticipated to continue rising well into the next two decades. For those looking to make good career choices while improving the wellness of others, obtaining Health Science degrees in Delaware is a great way to enjoy financial security while contributing to the community.

For more information on obtaining your Health Science Degree online, please see “Top 10 Best Online Health Science Degree Programs“.